The West Lake Association, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Anything and Everything you want to know thats been asked before.
Why Should I Pay Dues?
Can you imagine your home becoming inaccessible due to flooded potholes, unplowed snow or overgrown foliage? Imagine the inability of emergency services unable to reach a neighbor in need or to put out a house fire because of a fallen tree. The fees needed for West Lake are a small ask considering the benefits of well-maintained roads and lake health. Property values are also enhanced by bay accessibility by boat and the aesthetic qualities that come along with a well-maintained neighborhood.
I don't live Lakeside, do my dues pay for the Lake or Channel expenses
West Lake Association dues are structured in 2 parts.
1. Neighborhood Maintenance
$1000 is paid this year by WLA residents for the "General Fund" which is used to pay common expenses such as liability insurance, road maintenance, vegetation cutback, storm cleanup and other things that come up within the course of a year.
2. Lake Maintenance
$500 additional is paid by lakefront property owners only. This fee used exclusively for "channel maintenance" to maintain proper ecological health of the lake, primarily to maintain maximum tidal flow of fresh seawater and to allow boat access to and from Little Peconic Bay.
Where does ALL OF THE MONEY GO?????
The HOA runs on 2 separate ledgers
1-The GENERAL Fund Budget for 2024 $18,000
and is divided up as Follows:-
​Insurance $4200
Roadway Repairs (potholes) $7000 +/-
Roadway Maintenance $2000+/-
(trimming, Snow, Mowing) -
Miscellaneous/Immediate Needs $1500+/-
(Fallen Tree Removal)
The excess $3000+/- in GENERAL FUND DUES will be added to the existing balance for Emergency use as needed.
2-LAKE IMPROVEMENT FUND (aka Channel Dredging Fund)
The LAKE IMPROVEMENT Fund Budget for 2024 $7500
and is divided up as Follows:-
Annual Expenses for Dredging and
Equipment Maintenance $1000+/- -
Permits for Town, DEC, US Army Corp $1000+/-
Consultant Fees if necessary $1000+/-
(Litigation, Commercial Dredging) TBD
The excess $4500 in LAKE IMPROVEMENT DUES will be added to the existing balance for Emergency Commercial Dredging anticipated in the Future. We are just ONE significant Storm away from needing Professional help clearing the Channel.
Is there a long term solution to Potholes? ​
Prior to the decision o to install speedbumps, the Board’s Roadway Committee investigated more aggressive solutions. We implemented a “Remove and Replacement” of problem areas on Little Peconic Bay Lane (100ft) and a small portion along Cedar Point Drive West. The assessment of the success of that expenditure has yet to be determined.
We researched what it would take to pave the community with asphalt. There is approximately 2100 linear feet of roadway x 10ft wide equaling 21,000 sf of roadway. Granted, not all areas require paving but it really doesn’t make financial sense to move in this direction regardless of the amount of paving...... and due to the wetlands adjacent to some areas, The Town Trustees will require water runoff solutions to be integrated in a design solution.
At this time the Board has decided an annual “Patch and Repair” solution is the most cost effective. This is planned for the late Spring timeframe after our rainy season and continue as needed on a quarterly assessment basis.
Why spend Money on Trimming and Roadway Edge Mowing? ​
We do so to “Keep Our Community looking Nice”. We trim bushes to prevent the thorns from scratching our vehicles and injuring someone who might not be paying attention as they walk or bicycle.
Despite that the Town of Southold has NO REQUIREMENTS whatsoever regarding roadway maintenance in "Private" Communities", we believe it is important for
First Responder access of Fire Trucks, Ambulances, and Police vehicles.
Why spend Money on Insurance? ​
Well, we live in New York State, one of, if not the most litigious States in America....PERIOD
Despite not owning the Roadways or the Beach, we assume liability simply because we maintain these areas. Make no mistake, should something significant happen where liability was in question, we will be glad to have the insurance in place.
Does the Board get Competitive Bids for the Work we Request? ​
Well, we have in the past but not always. After soliciting bids for roadway and trimming projects, multiple times, our preferred contractor has been the least expensive, each time. It should be said that he has our community at the top of his client list for immediate services like snow removal, various cleanup projects and emergency fallen tree removal. As a community this type of relationship is important. Imagine being stuck in your house for days because a tree fell across the road…… in 2023 and again in April 2024.
Why can't "Outsiders" from Angel Shores use our Beach or Bicycle on our Roads or Walk their Dogs, etc. ? ​
The number one reason is LIABILITY. We all have seen the neighborhood kids in the golf cart cruising around. Or the family coming down the road to use the beach. No one cares until….SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS. We don’t have a lifeguard, we can’t have underage kids driving golf carts, we just have to set a standard that excludes outsiders.
Dog walkers have consistently not cleaned up after their dog. They give the Community Dog Owners a bad name…..
Miscellaneous Expenses and Membership Participation....... ​
The Board recognizes, that in the past, some individual HOA members have questioned the need, value and expense of recent and past projects.
These include (but may not be limited to) Our Beach Bench, The Community Mailboxes and this Website. Each of these projects were funded with remaining Funds from year end balances where Snow Removal or Roadway trimming was not required. Each project was conceived and executed at the least possible cost via Member participation. -
There are additional projects that will make our community better, increase ALL of our property values that really don’t cost much like.........New Signage, flowers
The Board encourages your ideas and volunteered time to make our community BETTER.
Send us your thoughts………